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The practice appis suitable for students who want to learn and deepen basic arithmetic in a playful way.can be used independently of the textbook.can be used quickly and independently by children and adults, as it is easy to use and easy to understand.MatheAss1 and MatheAss2 are math apps that practice addition and subtraction in the number range up to 10 (MatheAss1) and up to 100 (MatheAss2) in three levels. First (level 1) the number to be calculated is always increased by 1, then it is displayed randomly (level 2) until in the 3rd level random tasks are displayed in the corresponding number range.Functions Matheass2:The practice app for addition and subtraction consists of 3 levels. Each level increases in difficulty. MatheAss2 always sets 2 tasks. Overall, all results remain under 200.Level 1: Task 1: single-digit numbers including 10,Task 2: first number with 2 digits, tens + ones from task 1.Tasks dont go over 10.30 tasks with no time limit.Level 2: Task 1: single-digit numbers including 10,Task 2: first number with 2 digits, tens + ones from task 1.Tasks go beyond the 10.40 tasks with no time limit.Level 3: Task 1: 1. 2-digit number including 100,Task 2: both numbers have 2 digits, 2nd number: tens + ones from task 1.Tasks also go beyond the 10.20 timed tasks, 2.5 minutes.90% must be correct, otherwise additional (as many as were wrong) tasks are set.Each level can also be selected individually via the menu.